© sifnostrails.gr

March 16, 2016

Sifnos Trails

Sifnos Trails is a project of the municipality of Sifnos that started in 2015. In collaboration with Paths of Greece, the Municipality of Sifnos decided to improve the hiking trails network of the island. The old way-marks have been removed and new ones have been placed, thus harmonizing the way-marking of the network. Sifnos now has more than 100km of professionally designed and way-marked trails, one of the largest trail networks of the Aegean. The ultimate aim of the Sifnos Trails project is to help the island’s visitors explore its natural and cultural beauties in a pleasant way. The project has been entirely funded by the Municipality of Sifnos.

Discover Sifnos from the travel guides of Mysterious Greece!



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